Wednesday, July 14, 2010

strengths & weaknesses

Seems that I can generally take a decent photo of monsier Marcel ...

and cute birdies on the island ...

and of course flowers ...

but my best attempts at capturing fireworks netted only this:

and this:

I guess by their very nature they are so fleeting that they are hard to capture. On the other hand I did manage to drag my ancient, broken, and over 100 lb TV out my front door, down the steps and to the curb for garbage day so that I can have half my living room back. Seems my workouts really have been working!


  1. fireworks are hard to capture...i cheat and use the preset feature on my camera. congrats on moving the beast. if it were me, that thing would still be around!

  2. well it took me a couple of months and an impending visit from some friends to do it!


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